Alberich (World War I German operation)

Alberich was the codename of a German military operation in occupied territory in France during World War I. It was a planned withdrawal to new positions on the shorter, more easily defended Hindenburg Line which took place between 9 February to 15 March 1917 and which eliminated a salient between Arras and Saint-Quentin.



Soon after taking over from Erich von Falkenhayn as Chief of the General Staff in September 1916, Paul von Hindenburg and Ludendorff, First Generalquartiermeister ordered the building of a new defensive line east of the Somme battlefront from Arras to Laon.[1] Ludendorff was unsure as to whether retreating to the Hindenburg Line was the best thing to do, since he believed withdrawing might diminish the morale of German soldiers and civilians.[2] The possibility of an offensive was considered if enough reserves could be assembled in the new year. A study suggested that seventeen divisions might be made available but that this was far too few for a decisive effect in the west.[3] He was forced to accept the plan by Rupprecht, Crown Prince of Bavaria, commander of Army Group Rupprecht (1st, 2nd, 6th and 7th Armies from the Somme front to the North Sea Coast) over the objections of the First and Second Army commanders.[4] Other options such as a shorter withdrawal were also canvassed. Manpower made the decision inevitable, since even with reinforcements from the Eastern Front the German army in the west numbered only 154 divisions against 190 Allied, many of which were larger. A move back to the Hindenburg Line (Siegfried Stellung) would shorten the front by 40-45km and save the manpower of 13 divisions.[5] The order for the withdrawal to begin was issued on 16 March.[6] Rupprecht was appalled by the scale and methods proposed for a scorched earth policy that would accompany the withdrawal.[2] He decided to resign but reversed his position when it was concluded that him leaving his command might suggest a rift had developed between Bavaria and the rest of Germany.[2]


The operation began on February 9, 1917 throughout the area that the German army planned to abandon. Railways and roads were put out of action, trees were felled, water wells were polluted, towns and villages were destroyed and a large number of mines and other booby-traps were planted.[2] 125,000 able-bodied French civilians in the region were transported to work elsewhere in occupied France, while children, mothers and the elderly were left behind with minimal rations.[2] On March 4, General Louis Franchet d'Espèrey, commander of the French Northern Army Group, tried to gain permission to launch a strong attack against the Germans as they were in the process of preparing to retreat.[7] Robert Nivelle, commander-in-chief of the French armies,[8] approved only a limited assault to capture the German front position,[7] meaning the only real opportunity to significantly upset the German withdrawal was lost.[7] The main phase of the withdrawal commenced on March 16 and was completed to a great extent by March 20.[2] The German army had fallen back to the east over a distance of around 40 kilometers, giving up more French territory than that which had been gained by the Allies from September 1914 till the beginning of the operation.[9]


By evacuating the Noyon and Bapaume salients, the German front was shortened by 25 miles,[2] 14 German divisions were freed[2] and Allied plans for the spring were seriously disrupted.[7] The operation is considered to have been a propaganda disaster for Germany, due to the scorched earth policy but also one of the shrewdest defensive actions of the war.[9]


  1. ^ Sheldon, J. The German Army at Cambrai, p. 1. (2009)
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h The First World War: The War to End All Wars. p. 111. 
  3. ^ Sheldon, ibid, p. 4.
  4. ^ The First World War: The War to End All Wars. p. 111.
  5. ^ Sheldon, ibid, pp. 4-5.
  6. ^ Sheldon, ibid, p. 5.
  7. ^ a b c d The First World War: The War to End All Wars. p. 112. 
  8. ^ Robert Georges Nivelle (1856-1924), French General 
  9. ^ a b France and the Great War, 1914-1918. p. 119. 
